Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One Word

One word to describe 2010:

Comeback - a return to a former higher rank, popularity, position, prosperity, etc.

In 2010 I concentrated on getting back to being me. I shed the weight of past, the ideals of being someones something and returned to being me. Returning to the things that brought me joy before, that made me who I am.

I got back on the horse, literally and figuratively.

I moved back to the only place I have ever called home.

I changed jobs and found a new passion for my career all over again.

I took a trip MX would have never allowed.

I am out and about more than I have been in years.

I make decisions every single day that are for me. That emphasize what will make me happy.

I returned to being the person I truly am, not the compartmentalized version someone wanted me to be.

The word that will encompass 2011:

Live - to experience or enjoy life to the full.

I am going to live a life for me in 2011.

I am going to focus on relationships that make me stronger. Encourage and support me.

I am going to live for my dreams. Consciously.

Concentrate my efforts towards the things I hold dear; make my new house a home, travel, get back to showing horses and direct my financial earnings towards those things that matter.

I am not going to be hindered by the events of the past. They are that. In the past.

They do not define me but rather make me who I am.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

~ Henry David Thoreau


  1. First of all, I love Thoreau, and that quote is one that I have frequently referenced myself!

    Secondly, this is a beautiful post. And I love your "words". I want 2011 to be my comeback year too, and I want to LIVE!!! I love reading the blogs of people like you who are ahead of me in this process because it really gives me hope.

  2. I wandered over here via "I'm Gonna Break Your Heart" and...oh, my. I just love this post. In fact, I have a feeling I might lose the rest of my afternoon to reading ALL of your posts!

    I failed at NaBloPoMo (fell a few days short), but I don't know...this Reverb 10 thing just might be worth a try.

  3. Oooh, can I relate. My word for 2011 was LOYALTY, because I want to remain loyal to the relationships that make me happy, and let go of those that don't. It seems like I re-found myself in 2010, and I don't want to lose track of her again in 2011.

    Wandered over here from hannahjustbreathe, by the way :)

  4. Yes, yes, yes! I feel exactly the same. I am going to concentrate on building awesome relationships in 2011. I am going to be the best version of me. And I am NEVER going to lose any of that again. Thank you for writing this!

  5. Live a life for me - that is so awesome and so refreshing and so TRUE. 2010 was the year of me, as well, and it's been a theme I've carried through into everything I've done. Makes a huge difference doesn't it?
