There is just so much going on...
- trying to sell the house
- fighting the annulment
- changes at work at a job I love
- trying to move out of state
- looking for a job out of state and the idea of leaving a job I love
Making my life. The life for me. Its been an ongoing process for the last 15 months since I found out...
I just want to get on with it but I feel like when it happens - its going to be full out, fast moving, struggling to keep up.
Bring it.
I clicked through to your blog from Just One Week, and I wanted to say that you seem like a really amazing, strong woman. My heart really goes out to you and all of the trouble you're going through. I'm sorry, and I hope you know that you get over this wall, and you will prosper.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes from a stranger.
Just came across your blog. Sending positive thoughts your way! Wishing you all the best on your new journey.