But it was also amazing because I got fabulous presents.
That's right. I said it.
I am 28 and I love getting presents.
Lots of them.
But I also love giving them...so to me...it balances out.
Right? Or is that just me?
So what did I get that I love?
The Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook
I highly recommend her Hot Artichoke Dip. Ah-maz-ing.
Love it.
Only modification was that I threw it in a crock pot.
My new Memorex Ipod Dock (similar, yet completely different than the one shown)
Oster Buffet Server (now I need to entertain in the house I can't seem to get rid of!)
This is where my total inner nerd/geek comes blazing to the surface. This is my all time favorite game.
In history. And I am not done there...there was 30 minute massage, a new purse and some random cookbooks.
Seriously - I love cookbooks. If you have ones you swear by please leave it in the comments! Or if you have great cooking blogs you follow, suggest those too.
Last but not least...I have mentioned my 3 "kids" here before...I love them. But they shed.
A Lot.
My sister, at the recommendation of some of her friends, bought me a FURMINATOR. Its the best thing ever and I have no idea how I lived without it. It has reduced my pet hair so much! Love!
So thank you to everyone who made my Christmas so wonderful whether it was because of the gifts, your time or your friendship. It was great. I wasn't sad once. I was thankful to be with those that I love more than anything.
And M - I promise I won't miss another Christmas!
Our dog sheds like crazy, I'm gonna have to check into the Furminator! And I guess I'm a nerd too, next to Connect Four, Scrabble is my next favorite.